SG-1600 Baton Stun Gun
This expanding baton style stun gun is the
perfect choice for someone concerned about their personal safety. Stun
guns are a non-lethal self defense choice that contrary to some belief
does not operate by incapacitating through pain. The stun gun causes a
persons muscles to rapidly spasm. This causes the persons body to
essentially burn through the stored energy used to power those muscles,
preventing them from being able to move. Should the attacker even
manage to touch you while you are stunning them, you have no fear of
the voltage passing through to you, you are completely safe. With the design of this particular unit you have the advantage
of being able to not only strike quickly, but with a greater range than
what your average stun gun would provide. The overall look itself
provides a more menacing appearance to potentially avoid the need to
use it at all. Features Technical
Specs Includes